Taekyung Electronics, a small and medium-sized company, is entering the mission-type drone business based on its printed circuit board (PCB) design and assembly business for the defense industry. Developa LED search light that plays the role of the drone’s eyes during nighttime missions and operations. Taking this as an opportunity, the company will expand its core business areas from production of assembly parts for the defense industry to production of equipment for the defense industry, elevate the value of corporate technology to the next level, and transform into a high value-added product manufacturer.
Taekyung Electronics (CEO Ahn Hye-ri) announced on the 8th that it will participate in the task of developing a cargo drone technology for transporting goods with a payload weight of 200 kg using a hydrogen fuel cell-based vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) method capable of automatic flight and remote control. With LIG Nex1 at the center, Taekyung Electronics, Moasoft, Korea Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Shinyoung, and Shinil Information Technology will form and participate in the consortium. The scale of government support is about 23 billion won over five years.
This project aims to develop mid-sized drone technology by December 2025 that uses eco-friendly hydrogen fuel cells as a power source to satisfy the maximum flight speed of 100 km/h and flight time of 1 hour and transports 20 kg cargo. The scope of support for the project is △localized development of medium-sized cargo drones using hydrogen fuel cells as a power source △development of remote control/control GCS and ground mobility vehicles △development of core technology for avionics control/mission equipment △minimum required performance of medium-sized cargo drones △international standardization ( lSO) linkage promotion, etc.
An official from Taekyung Electronics said, “As one of the core technologies for mission-type drone equipment, we can LED searchlights along with demand fuel cells.” , obstacles, etc. must be accurately distinguished,” he said. The drone delivery market is an early market differentiated from the existing market preoccupied by global companies. As an unexplored field with no monopoly, the government predicted that it would be a market with great potential to be preoccupied if domestic companies led the way.
The market is demanding the development of drones with a large take-off weight to transport personnel and goods, but in the case of cargo transportation drones, the market is in the early stage of formation, and the government supports the development of cargo drones for accommodating goods through an industry-academia-research cooperation system.
Source : Reporter Sumin Ahn | etnews